Canada passes tough supply chains legislation

Canada has joined the list of countries taking decisive action on forced labour in supply chains, after passing Bill S-211 this week. The new law means that Canadian businesses must report in detail on what they are doing to identify, address and prevent forced labour, prison labour and child labour in their supply chains. It is set to come into force from January 1, 2024.
The new law excludes smaller businesses, but many will be within its scope – basically any business involving goods in Canada where at least two of the following are true: C$20m in assets, C$40m in revenue, or employing at least 250 people. Public / federal organisations and subsidiaries are also included.
Businesses that fail to report satisfactorily face having their property entered and searched, a fine of up to C$250,000, and directors held personally liable.
Slave-Free Alliance will be reporting more on the impact of this new law and how we can help you in the coming weeks.