Factory investigation: More than 20 workers safeguarded

Nine factory workers thought to have been subjected to modern slavery are being supported by Hope for Justice and law enforcement agencies, and more than 20 people moved to safer accommodation, following an intervention by our teams in recent days.
They uncovered evidence at the site that workers were recruited and brought directly via coach to a caravan site in the UK. Each caravan housed seven people forced to share mouldy bedding, with no heating and no hot water.
They were then transported directly to their workplace for 12-hour shifts, with no rest days. Many had not been paid anything at all and there was clear evidence of intimidation and threats. Investigations are continuing and we hope to be able to report more about this story soon.
Want to understand more about the work of Hope for Justice in the UK?
Our specialist Hubs are staffed by experienced investigators and multilingual outreach workers. They work closely with police and other agencies to identify victims of modern slavery, build bridges of trust with them and remove them from exploitation. We act as an alternative pathway out of exploitation for victims too scared to engage directly with police. Intelligence gathered about traffickers and gangs is shared with police – many perpetrators have been convicted and jailed thanks to this work.
Our specialist multi-disciplinary Independent Modern Slavery Advocates (IMSAs) work with victims after rescue to help them rebuild their lives, by helping them access housing, benefits, good-quality employment opportunities, psychological support, legal advice and more. We help survivors through the criminal and civil justice processes to ensure they receive justice and restitution, which plays a key role in their restoration. The combination of legal and support advocacy is essential in providing victims with a voice to shape their own future in freedom.
Expert trainers equip frontline professionals with the knowledge, skills and tools to identify modern slavery themselves and to respond effectively. We train police, governments, local authorities, healthcare professionals, other charities, businesses and the general public. Our statistics show that more than half of referrals into us of potential victims of modern slavery come from professionals we have trained.
Note: Library image. Does not show this case.