Supply Chain Continuous Compliance (SC3)


SC3 – Supply Chain Continuous Compliance

A brand new solution from Slave-Free Alliance

Slave-Free Alliance Our Services Technology Solutions Supply Chain Continuous Compliance (SC3)

Introducing SC3

SC3 technology provides integrated services for effective and efficient modern slavery risk management, and a platform for continuous improvement and remediation. These automated services provide you with the tools and information to take decisive action:

  • Gap Lite self-assessment 

  • Supply chain risk assessment 

  • Media scanning 

  • Guides, references and briefings 

  • Training videos and resources 

With increasing global legislation and stakeholder focus on business and human rights, organisations need to be continuously on top of their modern slavery risks.  

SC3 is a platform for action, helping you to protect your operations, supply chain and people from modern slavery by providing automated analysis and information tailored to your business.

Get in touch to arrange a demo of SC3

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