Norway’s Transparency Act 2021: Are you ready for the 30th June deadline?

In today’s global business landscape, transparency and ethical practices have become crucial factors for sustainable success. Recognising this, Norway introduced the Transparency Act in 2021 to ensure that businesses uphold fundamental human rights and decent working conditions. As the first reporting deadline approaches, companies need to evaluate their readiness and ensure compliance with the Act. In this post, we will explore the key aspects of the Transparency Act and provide valuable insights to help businesses meet their obligations before the reporting deadline.
Understanding the Transparency Act
The Transparency Act is aimed at promoting corporate transparency and responsibility by addressing human rights and decent working conditions. Its core objective is to protect individuals affected by a company’s operations, whether they are employees or part of the broader supply chain.
Key Obligations of the Act
The Act imposes several obligations on businesses to achieve its objectives.
Firstly, companies are required to conduct thorough due diligence assessments to evaluate their impact on human rights and decent working conditions. This assessment should encompass not only their own operations but also extend to their supply chains and business relationships. It is crucial to identify potential risks and areas where violations may occur.
Secondly, companies must document their findings and implement necessary measures to address any identified shortcomings. This step is vital for ensuring continuous improvement and demonstrating a proactive approach to human rights and decent working conditions. A focused and pragmatic approach is recommended, as companies should report on specific findings and the corresponding actions taken.
The third obligation is the information duty, which entails the publication of the assessment report on the company’s website or as part of the annual report. This transparency allows stakeholders, including the public, to access the information and hold companies accountable for their commitments. It also grants individuals the right to request information and ask questions regarding the due diligence assessments.
Meeting the 30th June 2023 Reporting Deadline
As the reporting deadline approaches, businesses must assess their readiness and ensure they have everything in place to fulfil their obligations under the Transparency Act. Here are some essential steps to consider:
Conduct a due diligence assessment: Evaluate your operations, supply chains, and business relationships to identify potential risks and areas for improvement. Engage relevant stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, and NGOs, to gather valuable insights.
Implement necessary measures: Based on the findings of the assessment, develop and implement appropriate measures to address any identified shortcomings. This could include revising policies, enhancing supplier engagement, and providing training and awareness programs for employees.
Document your actions: Maintain detailed records of the measures implemented and their effectiveness. This documentation will be crucial for reporting purposes and for demonstrating your commitment to transparency and responsible business practices.
Prepare the reporting documentation: Ensure that your assessment report is well-structured, focused, and concise. Include relevant information such as findings, actions taken, and the rationale behind decision-making processes. Be prepared to provide evidence to support your claims and actions.
Publish the report: Make the assessment report easily accessible on your company’s website or include it as part of the annual report. Transparency and accountability should be at the forefront, allowing stakeholders to review and evaluate your commitment to human rights and decent working conditions.
The Transparency Act 2021 represents a significant step forward in promoting ethical business practices in Norway. By complying with the Act’s obligations, companies can contribute to a fair and sustainable business environment while upholding fundamental human rights and decent working conditions. As the reporting deadline approaches, businesses must ensure that they have conducted thorough due diligence assessments, implemented necessary measures, and prepared the required documentation.
If you have any questions on the Transparency Act or how to complete your report, please get in touch with us at